Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK an in-depth analysis.
September 3rd, 2021. by Stephen Phillips
The Focus Of This 4 Part Fact Check are the sources referenced in the Documentary Film Plandemic InDoctorNation. Of which we have been able to verify virtually 98%. This includes but is not limited to.
- Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence – Source:
- Serological Evidence of Bat SARS-Related Coronavirus Infection in Humans, China – Source:
- Event 201 – Source:
- PATENT NO. 7279327 – Source:
- PATENT NO. 7220852 – Source:
- PATENT NO. 7776521 – Source:
- Algorithms & Elections – Source:
- And Many Many Many More…….
Editors Note: (Please note because there is so much to cover in this Documentary We’ve Separated the Fact-Check Into 4 Parts. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. There is also a link at the bottom of each part that will take you to the next part in the fact check.)
We begin this story with the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary itself. In addition to user independent verifiable source links and time codes available below the video!
Verified Sources From Video(With Clickable Video Seek Time Stamps, Source Url, and Source Links for reader and/or user independent verification checking):
As an individual I’ve always been a seeker of knowledge.
In fact my main motivation for the work that i do has never been money. It’s always been knowledge. After Discovering The Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary on February 28th, 2021. I decided to search the internet to discover why nobody was talking about it. And as a result more importantly why none of the mainstream news outlets were covering it. As a result what i uncovered. Could very well be the biggest effort to cover up the truth in human history. I Humbly Present To You The People.
Plandemic InDoctorNation FACT CHECK – An In Depth Analysis!
I have personally been able to Verify 98% of the sources Cited In This Documentary Film. Almost all of these sources are public domain and as such i have provided source links. In addition to time codes and source domains for each directly below the video for user independent verification. I will address and cover each of these sources and what i found in chronological order as they appear in the film. In addition to a fact check rating. Following that will be the final Fact Check Assessment and Conclusion for this story!
Event 201:
I was easily able to verify that Event 201 did indeed occur. Following a simple google search. I Have Confirmed that event 201 happened. Through the Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security Website. You may also find all media for event 201, and other details from the same provided link.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Due to the fact that i was easily able to confirm event 201. Via the Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security Website. We Rate this As
Furthermore. I was able to verify the sources of the patents. Noted in the Documentary.
The following is a list of those. PATENT NO. 7279327. Which is a patent on the Disease. PATENT NO. 7220852. Which is a patent on the virus. In addition to PATENT NO. 7776521 Which is a patent on the detection of the virus according to the Documentary. Due to this if you would like a full list of the several thousand patents referenced in the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary you can get that on our 5,100 patents page.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Because I was able to find a list of the other several thousand Patents referenced in the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary Compiled By Dr. David E. Martin Himself via The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier We Rate this As
Moving On to U.S.C. s.s. 101 from the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary which states.
“Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.”. Was verified through the United States Patent And Trademark Website. In Addition To The “A naturally occurring DNA segment is not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated” Source. Which is available through the website.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Because we were able to confirm the two claims regarding Patent Eligibility. Both For Natural and Engineered. We Rate this As
When it comes to the Biological Weapons and International Law Source.
I was able to verify both highlighted statements. “ban on possession of biological weapons is now widely recognized” and “The Geneva Protocol”. From the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary. In addition to this Fact. As well as the entire article itself. Which Clearly states “an individual responsible for the maintenance of his or her government’s biological weapon agents (particularly if they were intended for aggressive use) possibly could be prosecuted for war crimes, even if his or her nation is not a party to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which prohibits the possession of biological weapons.”
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
The Biological Weapons and International Law Source article is exactly as it appears in the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary. In addition to the fact that it says what the Documentary claims it does. We Rate this As
When it comes to the REQUEST FOR NON-PUBLICATION AND CERTIFICATION UNDER 35 U.S.C. ss 122(b)(2)(B)(i) Source in Plandemic InDoctorNation here is what i found.
Due to the fact that. By nature a Request for Non-Publication is just that. Meaning it is being requested not to be published in the public domain. I was however able to verify that there is indeed a 35 United States Code 122. Therefore allowing for the request for Non-Publication for Patents.
I was able to confirm that it is as presented in the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary. However I was not able to find the exact document for Novel Coronavirus Isolated From Humans request for Non-Publication. Nonetheless this was to be expected.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Due to these findings We Rate this As
Regarding the Gain of Function Document shown in the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary at time code 00:08:53.
I was unable to find the exact document, most likely due to the fact that it was a letter sent to the Patent owner. And as a result not public domain. However i was able to find and verify the factual existence of the pdf link shown in this document regarding Gain Of Function Research which can be found at
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
As we were able to verify at least one of the two sources referenced. We Rate this As
Next we have the Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research article.
I think it is important to give the source links to previous versions of this article. As a Result from our Search Via the wayback machine. In order to establish a timeline for the “control of the narrative”. As shown by the COVID-19 Editors’ note, March 2020. As a result those links are as follows:
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
2 Different factors have gone into our Rating Decision here. The first being that because we are able to demonstrate the “control of the Narrative”. As demonstrated in the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary. In addition to establishing a timeline. Through the
the wayback machine links. The Second being because they did
not provide a source to back up their claim as stated in the COVID-19
Editors Note. As a result We Rate this As
Next up we have the REVEALED: U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab article from
This was easily verified through a simple google search. As a result the supporting facts and evidence for that article We have the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) for Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence Project Number 2R01AI110964-06. In which it clearly shows funding through ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE, INC. with Project Leader PETER DASZAK.
Furthermore we can match it up with the Project Number R01 AI110964. From the Serological Evidence of Bat SARS-Related Coronavirus Infection in Humans, China Source. Located Under Grant support at the bottom of the article.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Because we can match the Project Number in both Sources. Shown

and HERE

As well as the Amount of money Given via grant Support of $3.7 Million. In fact this Matches the amount mentioned in the Documentary. As Well as the Matching Timeline to what is referenced in the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary. We Rate this As
Following That. We Have The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 article from the Nature Medicine website. From The Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary.
From the research i did for this fact-check. It’s Clear the article States the following
Although the RaTG13 bat virus remains the closest to SARS-CoV-2 across the genome1, some pangolin coronaviruses exhibit strong similarity to SARS-CoV-2 in the RBD, including all six key RBD residues21 (Fig. 1). This clearly shows that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein optimized for binding to human-like ACE2 is the result of natural selection.
quote from article Section 1. Paragraph 2
However. I would like to point out the fact that we currently have the technology to effectively cut, copy, and paste DNA using the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Due to this fact, and after doing some further research. While not entirely conclusive. I thought it was relevant to show how the CRISPR/Cas 9 Technology works. (Take Note Of The CORRECTIONS Portion of the video at time code 00:01:51)
Take Note of Fig. 1
from The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 article. And look at Figure b from that image. Which states the following. “b, Acquisition of POLYBASIC CLEAVAGE SITE site and O-linked glycans. Both the polybasic cleavage site and the three adjacent predicted O-linked glycans are unique to SARS-CoV-2 and were not previously seen in lineage B betacoronaviruses.”

Now I’m No Molecular Biologist nor do i claim to be.
However i would argue from my fact-finding for Plandemic InDoctorNation. In addition to the fact that i was able to correlate the similarities with The Polybasic Cleavage Site from the Nature Medicine Articles Figure 1 image diagram. As well as the quote from the corresponding section b, text. which states “b, Acquisition of polybasic cleavage site and O-linked glycans. Both the polybasic cleavage site and the three adjacent predicted O-linked glycans are unique to SARS-CoV-2 and were not previously seen in lineage B betacoronaviruses.” in addition to the fact of how the Crispr/Cas 9 Technology Makes “Corrections” is very compelling in and of itself. However This Clearly Needs To Be Investigated More Thoroughly before we can conclusively come to a conclusion. Therefore this will be investigated more thoroughly and covered in a separate article, in the near future. (STAY TUNED)
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Due to the Revelations pointed out above We Rate this As
The Next Source is an article from the Washington Post Website Titled Google, once disdainful of lobbying, now a master of Washington influence.
Which establishes the fact that google Went From a company that was weary of Lobbying. To one that has clearly mastered it around the year 2014. Therefore that fact In Conjunction with the Algorithms & Elections article from and the testimony of Dr. Robert Epstein. via an article titled Psychologist: Big Tech Will Use “Subliminal Methods” to Shift 15 Million Votes on Election Day from is compelling evidence that supports what is stated in the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary film. Below I’ve included screenshots of each source cited from both the web as well as the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary Film.

Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Because Of What we uncovered. In Addition to the fact that the three articles mentioned and shown in the documentary are accurately portrayed, and Do in fact Exist. We Rate this As
This next source from Plandemic InDoctorNation is highly compelling and is titled Google Document Leaks (Project Veritas)
It contains the actual leaked internal company documents proving factually that google does indeed have a blacklist. And as a result that they are censoring not only what people search for. As well as what people are allowed to watch on youtube. In addition to many other interesting and incriminating documents. These documents were leaked by a google insider in the summer of 2019. They are also fully downloadable from the Project Veritas Website as well as on our Google Document Leaks Page. Provided below is a screenshot of the Project Veritas Source From the web.

Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Because of the fact that we can Confirm Undeniably that these documents do indeed exist. And as a result are able to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt through the content of those documents the claims Made Are Accurate And True. And that the evidence Supports the claims Therefore We Rate this As
Concerning the snopes article titled ‘Plandemic’: Was Judy Mikovits Arrested Without a Warrant and Jailed Without Charges?
After a little digging i was able to find the warrant referenced in the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary via the Snopes article and a link to it contained therein which can be found here, as well as the original found Here. For The Purposes Of This Article i will reference only those points made in the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary According to the snopes article beginning with the first sentence prior to the first documentary block quote in the article. (Note: Block Quotes With The Light Yellow Background Are Snopes Article Quotes, those with Light Pink are Block Quotes From The Plandemic Interview as quoted on the Snopes Article. And those in Light Red are Article Quotes Referenced In The Snopes Article. Due to this the Specific Statements I Will Address Are In Bold italics Superscript With A Green Font Color)
Beginning with the Snopes Fact Check Article we have the following:
The installment opens with the following voice-over narration describing Mikovits’ background, then segues into a Q&A dialog between Willis and Mikovits:
“And so what did they charge you with?”
“But you were in jail.”
“I was held in jail with no charges. I was called a fugitive from justice. No warrant, literally drug me out of the house. Our neighbors are looking at ‘What’s going on here?’ You know, they search my house without a warrant, you literally terrorize my husband for five days, they said if you don’t find the notebooks, if you don’t find the material — which was not in my possession but planted in my house as if you took intellectual property from the laboratory — it was intended to appear as if I took confidential material, names, and intellectual property from the laboratory and I could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I didn’t.
Heads of our entire HHS colluded and destroyed my reputation, and the Department of Justice and the FBI sat on it and kept that case under seal, which means you can’t say there’s a case or your lawyers are held in contempt of court. So you can’t even get a lawyer to defend you. So every single due process right was taken away from me, and to this day remains the same. I have no constitutional freedoms or rights.”
The First Point For our Fact Check i would like to address is
the portion of the Plandemic Interview from time code 2:13-2:17 in which Judy Mikovits Appears To Say “which was not in my possession but planted in my house“ is based on one simple detail i noticed that most people probably completely overlooked. That is the observation that it was possibly a Scene edit between the words “possession but”, and “planted in my house”. Below is the segment from that section of the video (2:13-2:17). In addition to Frame Capture screenshots of the relevant 2 frames before and after the cut as well as a description of why i have reason to think it was a scene edit to back up my observation.

Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Based On This Conclusion the Statement “they said if you don’t find the notebooks, if you don’t find the material — which was not in my possession but planted in my house“
Due to not having the original unedited interview videos to gain the proper context. Would therefore have to be thrown out on the basic premise of being a miss representation of the facts due to improper context portrayal. For this statement we Rate This As
Secondly during our search, the snopes fact-check article maintains the following :
In “Plandemic,” Mikovits declares that she was arrested without a warrant and “held in jail with no charges.” But according to contemporaneous reporting, WPI filed a civil lawsuit against Mikovits to compel the return of their “misappropriated property,” and WPI reported the lab notebooks and other materials as stolen to the police force of the University of Nevada at Reno. Mikovits was subsequently arrested as a fugitive in California (where Pfost said she was “hiding out on a boat” to avoid being served in the WPI lawsuit) pursuant to a warrant issued by University of Nevada at Reno police, which listed two felony charges: possession of stolen property and unlawful taking of computer data, equipment, supplies, or other computer-related property.
Quote From Snopes Article ‘Plandemic’: Was Judy Mikovits Arrested Without a Warrant and Jailed Without Charges? by David Mikkelson
Published 8 May 2020
Toward the end of the snopes fact-check article we have the following:
Although the criminal charges against Mikovits were eventually dropped, WPI was successful in civil court, obtaining an injunction preventing Mikovits from altering or distributing misappropriated materials and requiring her to return them to WPI. When Mikovits failed to comply with the injunction order “because of concerns for the safety of patient data,” WPI submitted a motion for an Order to Show Cause why Mikovits should not be held in contempt of court:
Following that, we have the block quote from the snopes fact-check article quoting the article
Mikovits, who is also facing related criminal charges for possessing stolen property, returned some of the notebooks and a laptop after being briefly jailed. But WPI filed an affidavit from a computer expert that said all the files had been recently deleted on the laptop. WPI attorney Ann Hall further asserts that Mikovits returned only 18 of the notebooks, withholding half a dozen more that include experiments done between 2006 and 2009.
After a flurry of motions were filed by each party, Judge Brent Adams in the Second Judicial District Court in Washoe County ruled in favor of WPI, which fired Mikovits in September for insubordination. In essence, the judge’s “default judgment” rejected Mikovits’s replies to the complaint and upheld all of WPI’s claims, which include breach of contract and misappropriation of trade secrets. “It is so surprising,” [WPI attorney Ann] Hall says of the judge “striking” Mikovits’s reply, noting that that the judge emphasized that he had never taken this action in his 22 years on the bench.
In court documents, Mikovits pled the Fifth Amendment, the right not to testify against yourself. Hall charges that the Fifth Amendment defense “was overly broad and kind of an abuse of the process.”
Hall says it’s unclear whether WPI will ever retrieve the property it seeks, and the civil case will now focus on damages.
Then as another one of our facts, we have the snopes fact-check article quote
It appears from the court docket that the civil case was stayed after Mikovits filed for bankruptcy in September 2012, citing among her unsecured creditors a $15,000,000 debt owed to WPI as damages in connection with the default ruling issued against her in WPI’s lawsuit.
For our Fact-Check I Did several searches on the Internet
using the case number provided in the snopes court docket link to try and obtain pdf’s of the civil lawsuit filed by WPI. And as a result was unable to find any results regarding that case. In fact the only things i could find during my search were the links referenced by the snopes article. court docket, and bankruptcy.
It is also important to note that you can find more information
on the context and chain of events from Defense of Dr. Judy Mikovits by Her Co-Author… However What Snopes Neglects to mention in the proper context is the long documented known corruption of Harvey Whittemore. Due to this fact which has been known and was proven through the Indictment brought against him. Las Vegas sun articles covering this can be found at Indictment caps lobbyist Harvey Whittemore’s dramatic fall from grace, and at Whittemore lawsuits raise curtain on political deals.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
As a result i would argue that due to this revelation about Whittemore the Snopes Fact-Check Articles Claim is put into a broader and more Accurate Context. And as such DOES NOT HOLD WATER! Therefore based on this context. In addition to the fact that The Ventura County Search Warrant Was Unlawful for lack of Signatures, We Rate the claim that Mikovits was “held in jail with no charges.” As
Thirdly the claim by the Snopes Fact-Check that her book Plague contradicts her statement in the Plandemic Interview is blatantly misleading and completely false.
Mikovits also asserts in “Plandemic” that the indefinite conspiratorial “they” searched her house without a warrant, yet in her 2014 book “Plague” she described three Ventura County (California) Sheriff’s deputies arriving at the door “brandishing a yellow piece of paper” and informing her that they had a search warrant, and later in that same book she referred to a search warrant for her home in Nevada issued by the Washoe County District Attorney’s office. As well, in “Plague” she mentioned her attorney questioning the court as to “why Mikovits was arrested on a no bail warrant” — thereby describing a specific aspect of the arrest warrant which she maintains did not exist. (A copy of the California search warrant, which includes reference to the existence of a separate arrest warrant, is viewable here.)
Quote From Snopes Article ‘Plandemic’: Was Judy Mikovits Arrested Without a Warrant and Jailed Without Charges? by David Mikkelson
Published 8 May 2020
Here’s why Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK, Came to this Conclusion.
I Took the liberty of obtaining all the case documentation for the civil suit filed by Judy Mikovits, through the P.A.C.E.R. (Public Access To Court Electronic Records) Online System, And as a result have made all those documents available through our website for easy Public Access and User Independent Verification.
Readers are encouraged to do some fact finding of their own and verify our copy of these documents.
through the P.A.C.E.R. online System. (Please note that this service is not entirely free and as such i have made the Relevant Civil Case Documents available on our website.) Due to the fact that the search warrant was Not signed. And as a result making it an “UNLAWFUL SEARCH AND SEIZURE”, therefore, Legally Speaking It Is effectively Considered as the same as Having No Warrant. As a result of this, the fact that she described three Ventura County Sheriff’s deputies arriving at the door “brandishing a yellow piece of paper” and informing her that they had a search warrant, DOES NOT INVALIDATE THE FACT THAT THE WARRANT WAS NEVER SIGNED. In fact it lends more evidence and credibility to Mikovits Claim as a whole.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Therefore Our Article Rates The Claim that three Ventura Sheriffs County deputies “searched her house without a warrant” As
The next three sources in the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary are the,, and articles
I Can confirm that the articles are as presented in the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary. Furthermore i can verify the sources used for each article. As a result The patent for the snopes article source is PATENT NO. 10130701. Which actually refers to an Avian Coronavirus of the Genus Gamma coronavirus. For the source we have PATENT NO. 7220852. Which is a Patent for SARS-CoV-1 Isolated From Humans. In Addition also references PATENT NO. 7220852 as one of their sources.
One thing id like to point out
that all 3 articles seem to have in common is this. They are fact checking social media account posts. Now i for one have never considered Social Media A Source for news. However a great number of folks do. But the fact that they are Censoring individuals And Using Social Media As a grounds for doing so is A HUGE RED FLAG FOR ME! Until a few years ago I had always considered Social Media As A Place where i could Freely Express How I Was Feeling or what i was thinking on any given situation.
That being said.
All three articles are correct and factual when it comes to the patents that they reference. In addition to the posts they debunk. However it’s pretty obvious that they picked and chose the easiest sources for them to debunk. i.e. Social media posts from individual users. The Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary is also correct in pointing out that they only covered a few out of the 4,452 publicly available patents that cover SARS-CoV-1 Detection And Treatment. However it should be noted that SARS-CoV-1 which causes SARS and SARS-CoV-2 which causes COVID-19 are very similar in many ways. You can find more information from the article COVID-19 vs. SARS: How Do They Differ?
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
As a result of the points made above We Rate This As
Next up we have the Three Articles Regarding Facebook and Anti-Vaccination Content
I Can confirm that the WHO partners with Facebook stop the spread of inaccurate vaccine information, Facebook Will Crack Down on Anti-Vaccine Content. As well as the Posting anti-vaccine propaganda on social media could become criminal offence, Law Commissioner says articles exist. In addition to being presented accurately In the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary. Included below are screenshots of each source article from both the Documentary and the web.

Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Therefore We Rate This As
Then we have the Wikipedia Sources Mentioned in The Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary
Which include the Wikipedia Home page, the Wikimedia Foundation Donors Page, the Wikimedia Foundation Support Page. As well as the Judy Mikovits Smear. All are virtually identical to the clips of them seen in the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary. Also it should be noted that the donation page from the Plandemic InDoctorNation documentary is in fact Wikimedia’s 2018-annual-report donors page
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
We Rate This As
The Next Source For Our Fact-Finding Mission is the Sherwin Williams DDT Paint Ad.
We were able to find the source for the video clip used in the Plandemic InDoctorNation. It is from a Promotional piece for Sherwin-Williams DDT preparation – Pestroy. Titled Doomsday for Pests. Furthermore after some digging we are able to verify that the CDC did in fact promote the use of DDT. The following is a block quote from a National Center for Biotechnology Information article, titled WHO recommends DDT to control malaria.
“DDT was extremely successful in controlling malaria in the middle of the 20th century, and WHO actively promoted its use for this until the early 1980s.” But increased health and environmental concerns surrounding DDT caused WHO to stop promoting it and to focus instead on the other two main interventions to fight malaria (drug treatment and insecticide treated bed nets).
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Therefore We Rate This As
Up next is the swine flu vaccinations of 1976 clip from Plandemic InDoctorNation
The original story aired on Sunday, November 4, 1979 from the CBS investigative news program 60 Minutes on government propaganda around the 1976 swine flu scare. And as such can be found at 60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries. This establishes that there is Historical Precedent for Vaccines Causing more harm than good. As well as showing that the CDC and U.S. Government have had no problem pushing their agenda historically.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
As a result we Rate This As
Next We Have The Interview clip With David Sencer from the 60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries Story aired in 1979
We can easily verify that this clip is presented in the Documentary accurately and in context from the 60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries source on youtube. Furthermore we can verify this through wikipedia’s Biography page on David Sencer in the U.S. Public Health Service career Section paragraph 4 which states:
After the swine flu outbreak of 1976, in which over 200 recruits in Fort Dix, New Jersey were infected, Sencer resolved that all US citizens should be immunized. Precipitated both by his apprehensions of a recurrence of the 1918–1919 flu plague and by President Gerald Ford‘s incitement, the decision was later criticized as “rash and wasteful”. It led the United States Public Health Service to request up to 200 million doses of vaccine. However, the anticipated pandemic did not emerge, and “rising percentages” of the 45 million vaccinated were afflicted with Guillain–Barré syndrome, which provoked over 24 deaths. Sencer was both condemned and supported. Having worked with Sencer at CDC, epidemiologist James W. Curran, explained, “Dave Sencer made a hard choice, and he did it for the right reason — to protect the American public… He was trying to protect Americans had there been [a swine flu epidemic], and absent one, there was bound to be criticism.”[1] In 2006, Sencer wrote a report on the swine flu program: “When lives are at stake, it is better to err on the side of overreaction than underreaction… In 1976, the federal government wisely opted to put protection of the public first”.[2][5]
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Therefore as a result of this We Rate This As
The Next source we have is the interview clip with Dr. Michael Hattwick from the 60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries Story aired in 1979
We can also easily verify that the interview clip with Dr. Michael Hattwick is presented accurately and in context. As a result of further investigation from the source 60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries. In addition to the Report mentioned by Journalist Mike Wallace Dated July 1967 (watch clip segment here). Which can be found on the stacks.cdc,gov website under Section 3. on the right column
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
Due to the fact that we were able to confirm all 3 main fact points We Rate This As
Finally For Part 1 our last two sources are CDC keeps secret its mishaps with deadly germs and Newly disclosed CDC lab incidents fuel concerns about safety, transparency
While i was unable to find the exact video clip from the documentary. Both of these articles cited clearly establish this as being historically accurate and clearly existing as problem with the cdc’s lapse in containment protocol. And subsequent attempt to hide this lapse from the public and as such Deserves Continuous Scrutiny By Us. i.e. We The People.
Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK Rating:
As a result of this revelation We Rate This As
OMG This is Game Changing
Thank you for making all of this information available. Especially having the fact checking already completed and accurate. Appreciate this site immensely.
Your Welcome. Glad To Be Able To Bring Truth To People Without any bias or agenda just straight to the facts.
Great work and a huge service to the world 🌎 👏
I’m glad we could help Bring Truth to the world. Share this article as much as you can we must make the masses aware of this crime against humanity.
Hello my friend! I wish to say that this article is amazing, great written and come with approximately all important infos. I’d like to peer extra posts like this .
Glad you found our launch article so informative. and to answer your question we will be doing another in depth analysis soon on a new documentary that was just released January 15th, 2022 which can be found here