Sam Bankman-Fried FTX, The DNC, and Ukraine. by Stephen Phillips 11-13-2022 3:55 am pst.

Sam Bankman-Fried FTX, The DNC, and Ukraine. – In the wake of the Primary Elections of November 2022. FTX Servers were hacked on Nov 11th, 2022.

For related stories involving Big-Tech & Govt collusion check out our article Big Tech & Govt. Collusion Proof.

Here’s a brief rundown of the chain of events regarding the collapse of FTX.

Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX, The DNC, and Ukraine Header Image
Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX, The DNC, and Ukraine Header Image

According to the Daily Caller Sam

Bankman-Fried spent much larger sums on electing Democrats, donating $6 million to the House Majority PAC. He was also the second-largest individual donor to President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, donating over $5 million.

Daily Caller Article – SEC Launches Investigation Into Billionaire Dem Donor For Potential Violations Of Securities Rules: REPORT

Moreover, Bankman-Fried’s mother, Barbara Fried, runs a Democrat-linked dark money group known as Mind the Gap. FTX engineering chief Nishad Singh most recently donated $1 million to the organization.

Daily Caller Article – SEC Launches Investigation Into Billionaire Dem Donor For Potential Violations Of Securities Rules: REPOR

Sam Bankman-Fried FTX CEO, is tied to Ukraine according to the Washington Post

The call for crypto support came from Ukraine’s 31-year-old deputy prime minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, who has been acting as the country’s chief digital agitator, pushing Silicon Valley titans to ban Russia from their platforms and services. Fedorov first posted a plea for crypto donations in bitcoin, ether or tether on the messaging app Telegram. Half an hour later, Fedorov posted the same thing on his Twitter account. A few hours later, it was on Ukraine’s official Twitter account.

Washington Post Article – Ukraine asked for donations in crypto. Then things got weird. March 3, 2022

The Washington Post article then went on to say the following.

Donations quickly poured in from more than 46,000 people, most of whom gave a bit less than $100 — all recorded in the public ledgers that characterize cryptocurrency, according to a Washington Post analysis of public Ethereum blockchain data. But a few gave more than $250,000 in Ethereum, including two prominent CEOs of cryptocurrency businesses. Deepak Thapliyal, who made headlines last month after spending $23 million for a “Crypto Punk Alien” NFT digital collectible, donated about $290,000, and Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, donated a large sum.

Washington Post Article – Ukraine asked for donations in crypto. Then things got weird. March 3, 2022

Well isn’t that interesting. FTX’s CEO Sam Bankman-Fried just went bust, & got busted laundering money through Ukraine, & DNC

With that being said. Let us begin our Deep Dive on this money laundering scheme. For the purposes of the rest of this article we will proceed in chronological order.

According to a article titled Russia-Ukraine War: Here’s What FTX CEO Thinks What’s Next For Crypto Markets

Russia-Ukraine War: Here’s What FTX CEO Thinks What’s Next For Crypto Markets February 24th, 2022 - Sam Bankman-Fried FTX Screenshot From the web
Russia-Ukraine War: Here’s What FTX CEO Thinks What’s Next For Crypto Markets February 24th, 2022 – Sam Bankman-Fried FTX Screenshot From the web

Dated February 24th, 2022. This is an article on S.B.F. FTX CEO. And his take on the Ukraine-Russia war and its effect on Crypto Currency

The Cryptocurrency world woke up to another market crash as Russia declared war on Ukraine early Thursday. Every major and small crypto coin is under bloodbath right now. Some even tumbling in the double digits. The world’s largest cryptocurrency, BTC’s price has been down by 9% in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, many have suggested that it can plunge to the $30,000 price level in the coming days.

The Russian war declaration has triggered the market crash which has led to a $500-billion crypto sell-off till now. Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of crypto exchange FTX has commented on the decline of BTC. However, he believes that BTC’s decline was no surprise.

Why Bitcoin is down?

In a Twitter thread, the FTX CEO has tried to explain what should be happening to BTC right now with fundamental investors and algorithm followers. He justified with the answer that war has led to a shortage of money in the market which has led to the both traditional and crypto market crash.

Russia-Ukraine War: Here’s What FTX CEO Thinks What’s Next For Crypto Markets – Feb. 24th, 2022

While he also commented that there’s been a really high correlation between crypto and equities. The main reason is a monetary policy that moves with expectations of inflation and interest rates changing USD and other fiat currencies.

Russia-Ukraine War: Here’s What FTX CEO Thinks What’s Next For Crypto Markets – Feb. 24th, 2022

What are different perspective?

But he also suggested that investors in Eastern Europe could look for alternatives due to the Ukraine invasion which will definitely be BTC and other cryptocurrencies.

As per the fundamentals of the market, there is a huge buying opportunity since BTC and other coins are crashing. As per the algorithmic investor, this is about financial systems but actually, the dominant effect is just everything selling off to fund wars.

Russia-Ukraine War: Here’s What FTX CEO Thinks What’s Next For Crypto Markets – Feb. 24th, 2022

For the full context you can check out the full article on

Next up in our chronological timeline on this FTX Collapse and Laundering scheme headed by Sam Bankman-Fried, is an article by the Washington Post titled Ukraine asked for donations in crypto. Then things got weird.

Ukraine asked for donations in crypto. Then things got weird. Washington Post Article Screenshot from the web March 3rd, 2022
Ukraine asked for donations in crypto. Then things got weird. Washington Post Article Screenshot from the web March 3rd, 2022

The Ukrainian government has gathered more than $42 million in cryptocurrency donations since Saturday, plus digital artwork including a limited edition worth roughly $200,000, according to blockchain analytics firm Elliptic. The challenge is how the country cashes in on these assets to fund its war needs.

Ukraine asked for donations in crypto. Then things got weird – Washington Post Article March 3rd, 2022

The article then segued into the details regarding Sam Bankman-Fried CEO of FTX Crypto

Donations quickly poured in from more than 46,000 people, most of whom gave a bit less than $100 — all recorded in the public ledgers that characterize cryptocurrency, according to a Washington Post analysis of public Ethereum blockchain data. But a few gave more than $250,000 in Ethereum, including two prominent CEOs of cryptocurrency businesses. Deepak Thapliyal, who made headlines last month after spending $23 million for a “Crypto Punk Alien” NFT digital collectible, donated about $290,000, and Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, donated a large sum.

Ukraine asked for donations in crypto. Then things got weird – Washington Post Article March 3rd, 2022

Clearly FTX Provided a means for Ukraine to funnel money through FTX Crypto in order to liquidate crypto currency into hard assets.

This is starting to look more and more like a racketeering scheme, the deeper we dig. It really makes you wonder just how compromised and corrupt our supposed elected officials really are. In addition why is it that only the alt/new media is covering this story. We are not hearing about it on any of the Mockingbird media outlets, at least not in it’s full context. It almost appears that they are trying to just sweep the significance of it under the rug.

Up next in our chronological timeline for Sam Bankman-Fried FTX CEO is a 99 second breakdown of this whole scandal by YouTuber Nobody Special Finance

This 99 second breakdown of the FTX-Crypto Scandal is so easy to understand even a Wokeman, uh i mean Caveman could do it.

Next let’s take a look at the Alameda Research principal trading firm connection.

Below is a screenshot of a wayback machine archive snapshot of dated Nov 8th, 2022 this is the last known public snapshot of the Alameda Research website before it went private.

Alameda Research Website Wayback machine snapshot Nov 8th, 2022 Screenshot from the web
Alameda Research Website Wayback machine snapshot Nov 8th, 2022 Screenshot from the web

The following screenshot is from a wayback machine archive snapshot of Alameda Research dated Nov 9th, 2022

Alameda Research Website Wayback machine snapshot Nov 9th, 2022 Screenshot from the web
Alameda Research Website Wayback machine snapshot Nov 9th, 2022 Screenshot from the web

The timing of this is quite odd and suspicious.

In fact the only reason one would do such a thing is to cover their tracks and cover up their complicity in my opinion. Next we have a tweet dated November 10th, 2022 at 8:00 am. Showing a massive withdraw of funds from FTX by Alameda Research.

Below is a screenshot of from the tweet above for reader ease of use.

nansen Crypto Exchange Metrics For FTX Withdraw Nov 10th, 2022
Nansen Crypto Exchange Metrics For FTX Withdraw Nov 10th, 2022

Next up in our timeline of events is an article by the Daily Caller dated Nov. 10th, 2022

Sam Bankman-Fried FTX Ceo Daily Caller Article SEC Launches Investigation Into Billionaire Dem Donor For Potential Violations Of Securities Rules: REPORT Nov 10th, 2022 Screenshot from the web
Sam Bankman-Fried FTX Ceo Daily Caller Article SEC Launches Investigation Into Billionaire Dem Donor For Potential Violations Of Securities Rules: REPORT Nov 10th, 2022 Screenshot from the web

According to this article

Sam Bankman-Fried, cryptocurrency billionaire and major donor to Democratic causes, is under investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for potential violations of securities rules, according to Bloomberg.

Bankman-Fried, who was second only to George Soros amongst billionaire donors to Democratic groups in the 2022 midterm election cycle according to Forbes, is under investigation for his involvement in the ongoing liquidity crisis at the crypto exchange FTX, of which he’s founder and CEO, according to Bloomberg Thursday, citing an anonymous source familiar with the matter. The company allegedly loaned Alameda Research, a trading firm that Bankman-Fried founded, roughly $10 billion of its clients’ assets and has yet to pay back those loans following a series of high-risk trades, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday, citing anonymous sources.

Daily Caller article SEC Launches Investigation Into Billionaire Dem Donor For Potential Violations Of Securities Rules: REPORT – Nov 10th, 2022

This article seems to be the beginning of the end for FTX-Ceo Sam Bankman-Fried. Below is a statement from The White House Press Secretary from @disclosetv’s Twitter Feed

Interesting that they are now addressing this even if only obviously to cover their corrupt collective asses.

Two days later the Daily Caller Dropped another article titled Dem Megadonor Under Federal Investigation Bankrolled Lawmakers Overseeing The Agency He Was Lobbying

Dem Megadonor Under Federal Investigation Bankrolled Lawmakers Overseeing The Agency He Was Lobbying Daily Caller Article Nov 12th, 2022 Screenshot from the web
Dem Megadonor Under Federal Investigation Bankrolled Lawmakers Overseeing The Agency He Was Lobbying Daily Caller Article Nov 12th, 2022 Screenshot from the web

The Second Daily Caller article goes on to say this about Sam Bankman-Fried

Sam Bankman-Fried, prolific Democratic donor and ex-CEO of now-bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX, funded the campaigns of members of Congress overseeing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), one of the key bodies tasked with regulating the crypto industry and the subject of Bankman-Fried’s aggressive lobbying.

Bankman-Fried’s FTX is currently under investigation by the CFTC and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after Bankman-Fried allegedly moved $10 billion in client assets from his crypto exchange to his trading firm Alameda Research, and a liquidity crisis at his  exchange which prompted the company to file for bankruptcy. However, prior to the agency’s probe, Bankman-Fried aggressively courted the CFTC – and funded several key lawmakers charged with overseeing the agency, pouring cash into their campaign coffers.

The CFTC is charged with regulating certain elements of the crypto marketplace, including digital assets that are commodities as well as crypto exchanges and clearinghouses. The agency is overseen by the Senate and House Agriculture Committees, with the former tasked with approving CFTC commissioners nominated by the president.

In addition to his campaign contributions to the lawmakers tasked with CFTC oversight, Bankman-Fried sought closer relations with the agency itself.

Bankman-Fried personally lobbied for legislation in the Senate Agriculture Committee that would grant the CFTC greater regulatory oversight over the crypto industry, according to Coindesk, and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying the CFTC, SEC and members of Congress on the legislation.

The bill, known as the Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act, which would grant the CFTC “jurisdiction to oversee the spot digital commodity market,” was introduced by Stabenow, Boozman, Booker and Republican North Dakota Sen. John Thune, three of whom are beneficiaries of Bankman-Fried’s donations.

For its lobbying team, FTX hired former Republican Rep. Mike Conaway, longtime chair of the House Agriculture Committee, and committee staffer Scott Graves to lobby lawmakers on crypto-related issues.

Daily Caller Article Dem Megadonor Under Federal Investigation Bankrolled Lawmakers Overseeing The Agency He Was Lobbying – Nov 12th, 2022

What is even more telling is that the very next day after this article was published on Nov 13th, 2022 The W.E.F. removed Sam Bankman-Fried FTX CEO’s Page from their website.

Fortunately for us we have an internet archive called the Wayback Machine to prove all of this.

Wayback machine snapshot of the WEF FTX Web page from the web Nov 13th, 2022
Wayback machine snapshot of the WEF FTX Web page from the web Nov 13th, 2022

The Next screenshot we have is of the page as it stands currently

WEF FTX Page Not Found Screenshot From the web Nov 14th, 2022
WEF FTX Page Not Found Screenshot From the web Nov 14th, 2022

Finally we have a Tweet from Sam Bankman-Fried FTX CEO himself and a reply to his tweet dated Nov 13th, 2022

The main takeaway and conclusion that we can draw from this is obvious.

Government Overreach and Private Interests Colluding and conspiring together now seems to be the norm. Let’s not forget the fact that in most of these cases Federal Law is being Violated. And yet still we have no real solid Accountability. For those who may make the mistake of assuming i am Dem Bashing Let Me Be Clear I Am Not. I Despise Politics from both sides. I Believe in hard evidence and proof. That is what i go by. What does the evidence show? What can we prove? Does it make sense?

Corruption Must Be Investigated and Accountability under the Law must be had

Regardless of what side of the political isle is complicit in this. We must not be divided by fear or differences of opinion. That is what the establishment want’s so they can continue getting away with their crimes. We the people must recognize this and Unite under this awareness for the Greater Good of not only our Country but the Greater Good of the Planet as a whole.

Stephen Phillips
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